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Things We Are Thankful For At Baby K'tan

Leading into one of our favorite holidays, the Baby K'tan office has been placing its focus on giving thanks. To celebrate Thanksgiving, we shared two interviews with new parents  Bahar Takhtehtcian and Ronald Coleman. Bahar talked about her quest for balance as a new mom who also works as an on-air journalist for shows like TODAY and Wendy Williams. Ronald is the dad of a fighting preemie. He shared his family's heartfelt story which is a true testament to the importance of advocating for quality care. 

Both Bahar and Ronald told us what they are most thankful for this Thanksgiving as well as their thoughts on babywearing. We are so grateful they took the time to share their stories with us, so we could share them with you!

It only seemed fitting that we wrap up our week of thankfulness by asking our team here at Baby K'tan to chime in on the topic. Here's what they had to say: 

Michal, President and Co-founder of Baby K'tan

I am thankful for my children. While weathering a tough year with their big brother, my daughters’ still continued to work hard at being upbeat and loving towards him, and as best they can they continue to try and view things positively, even when life seems hardest. And I am thankful for my son, who is still weathering his own personal storm, but making new strides daily, in his own way, while trying to make everyone happy. All three of my children are blessings. They try each day to approach it with the glass half full and don’t give up on keeping a positive outlook on life. I could not be more thankful for having them around me to make sure I look at life the same way. And, I must add that my Baby K’tan team has been standing by our side every day and helping me as well, as extended family often does, and this gives me even more to be thankful for!

Valerie,  VP of Sales

I am thankful for sisters. Even when you live far away from each other, I know they will always show up at the most important times in my life. Together we navigated the challenges and grief that accompany an aging parent who unexpectedly passes. While we each had our own feelings about an absentee father, we still stood by each other's side to make decisions, provide support and show unconditional love. I know I can always count on them, even in life's toughest times.

Tali, VP of Marketing

I am thankful for the family that I will get to build with my husband. This year I married the love of my life, moved to a new apartment and had the honor of sharing our celebration with family and friends. This year has allowed me to experience so much love and joy.

Eda, Director of Operations and Logistics

I am thankful that some of my friends and family moved to Miami in 2017. We are beyond happy to have them in our lives again.

Jamie, Customer Care Manager

Looking back over the past year, I can say I am thankful for many things such as my job at Baby K'tan and how we feel like a family; my tribe of mommy friends (and even the non-mommy friends). I am most thankful for my family of goof balls that make me feel so normal and LOVED!

Nicole, Marketing Manager

I am most thankful for our family weathering a big military move across country with resilience and optimism. It’s not an easy thing to leave everything you know and make a fresh start, but our family has done it well and we are closer for the challenges we have faced during this time.

Christeen, Operations and Logistics Manager

'm thankful for my children and the support of family.

Picking up, moving , leaving what you’re used to knowing and having to start over has been hard and challenging, especially with children. Throughout the rough patches of life I’m thankful for my struggles because without them I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strengths.

I am also very thankful for being a part of the BabyKtan family, a family where everyone is loved and supported throughout the good and bad times. The staff is amazing to work with.

With that being said, I’m truly blessed and thankful for my family!

Sam, Marketing Assistant


I'm most thankful for my husband. He works so incredibly hard to support our family, even though he has chronic health conditions which can sometimes make that difficult. He's an amazing father and role model to our two daughters, and I couldn't be luckier to have him!

Adrienne, Customer Service and Marketing Admin. 

So much to be thankful for in 2017 . . .

The sustaining health and blessing of our children/family, the unconditional love of our pup, the joy and opportunity to learn from and contribute to my work family at Baby K’tan, the once-in-a-lifetime experience to accompany our Rabbi to Rome to meet and share blessings with Pope Francis on a mission to promote the values of friendship, community, and acceptance. Finally, I am thankful for the blessing to wake up to a new day, and to look forward to the next.

From Baby K'tan's family to yours, we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. 

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