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Baby K'tan's 2017 Highlights

It's hard to believe that another year is coming to an end! Baby K'tan is committed to  being thankful for the many good things that have happened throughout the year. We know it would not be possible without our committed teams working hard everyday and the dedicated parents who love and advocate for our brand. Thank you! 

Here are some highlights from 2017:

We Are Award Winning!

The Bump's Best of Baby Award within the  Baby on-the-go category for our Original Baby K'tan Baby Carrier. 

We received not just one, but TWO  Loved By Parents awards this year. Baby K'tan received a Platinum for Best Baby Wrap Category and a Gold in the Best Baby Sling Category.

We were also a  Babylist Best winnerWhat to Expect finalist and Cribsie Finalist!

Many Memories Made in 2017

We love highlighting moms wearing their babies while living their lives. During International Babywearing Week we had some fun with the Fit4Moms of Santa Clarita Valley. They hosted a wear your baby workout and it was (if we do say-so ourselves) ah-mazing. Checkout the  photos on our blogtheir blog, and on our respective Instagram accounts. You'll also get some workout tips for getting in some exercise while wearing your baby.

Black Breastfeeding Week

There are so many breastfeeding benefits for both mom and baby. This year, we highlighted Black Breastfeeding Week on the Baby K'tan Blog and our Instagram with the help of Brandi Riley and mom of two and a blogger over at Mama Knows It All because there is a large racial disparity between white women and black women who breastfeed. According to the Black Breastfeeding Week website:

" Black Breastfeeding Week was created because for over 40 years there has been a gaping racial disparity in breastfeeding rates. The most recent CDC data show that 75% of white women have ever breastfed versus 58.9% of black women. The fact that racial disparity in initiation and even bigger one for duration has lingered for so long is reason enough to take 7 days to focus on the issue."

We couldn't agree more. 

Celebrity Sightings 

They are always a fun treat for us at Baby K'tan. These were a couple of our favorites. 

Virginia Williams, who plays CJ on Fuller House showed us how getting travel with a newborn, is done. We'd all love to travel in that cushy seat like her, but that  Baby K'tan Baby Carrier definitely would make traveling in any seat much simpler with baby in tow. 

Imagine our surprise when we found out that Marcus Scribner, a.k.a Andre Johnson Jr. on ABC's Blackish turned up wearing a Baby K'tan on  Season 4's Episode 2

We were so excited, naturally. But, then we were even more excited when he posted on his Instagram account. How sweet is this photo?  We love it.

Charitable Efforts

Baby K'tan  commits regular proceeds each year from all sales to the American Heart Association and the National Down Syndrome Society. We have, over the years, donated carriers to orphanages in China, families in the DR and more. Each year, we are always on the hunt for more ways to give back throughout the year. We work together as a team quarterly to give back to our local community and we seek out ways to give back otherwise. 

In June of 2017, Project Kangaroo, sponsored by Baby K’tan, was created and launched at South Miami Hospital. As part of the NICU Pack Program, Project Kangaroo provided all families receiving a NICU Pack with a Baby K’tan carrier. The goal of the project is to facilitate skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care) once their baby is medically cleared to do so and to encourage baby carrying/wearing when their baby goes home. Project Kangaroo was slated to be added to the NICU Pack Program in Fall of 2017 in the NICU at Holtz Children’s Hospital.

In August of 2017 The state of Texas was hit by Hurricane Harvey and it devastated multiple cities. Baby K'tan committed $5 from every sale during that time to those families in need through the American Red Cross. 

Baby K'tan Continues Growing:

Baby K'tan announced the addition of three new staff members in 2017. We expanded the Marketing and Operations teams to meet the demand of our growing company. They have already hit the ground running and we are so excited to see what 2018 brings as they join the rest of our stellar team.

We are excited to launch our 2018 plans which will continue to focus on smart products that simplify your daily lives while also being stylish.  Sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss a thing! 

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