By Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns
You probably think that stretching out on a comfortable mattress is the perfect way to sleep, but your newborn would definitely disagree. Your baby has just arrived from a place that he felt was the epitome of comfort – and it was the complete opposite of stretching out on a mattress! Your baby was folded up like a pretzel and squished inside a soft and pliable nest. His arm and leg movements floated through a fluid-filled space, so they were in slow-motion and confined to very tight quarters. This snug place was your baby’s home for nine months. After this close-fitting body-hugging space, your newborn might find it unsettling to be put on his or her back on a flat surface – yet this is the safest way for your newborn to sleep. There is a solution for helping your baby transition from the confining sleep space of the womb to the outside world. Many parents recreate the womb-like experience for their newborns by wrapping them up securely in a soft, stretchy blanket – this is swaddling. It is a common and popular way to help newborns to stay calm, cry less and sleep better. |
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Babies are unique individuals and while some love to be snugly swaddled, others reject anything that restricts their movement, so you’ll need to experiment to see if this is a good practice for your own baby. Swaddling can mean better sleep Many hospitals, birth centers and midwives swaddle newborns soon after birth, and many parents continue to swaddle their babies through the newborn months. Swaddling can help to soothe fussy babies, and it encourages relaxation and better sleep. Since sleep is one of a newborn’s most important jobs, and promoting and protecting sleep is one of a parent’s most important jobs, swaddling is often praised for its role in encouraging healthy sleep. In addition, swaddling has a number of other benefits. The following list shares more of the reasons swaddling is a common practice. “Pros” in support of swaddling:
As with many baby care practices, swaddling has its specific ‘Dos and Don’ts.’ There are safe and appropriate ways to swaddle, so it’s important to do your homework if you choose to swaddle your newborn baby. |
Read more from our Snooze Series: 4 Ways to Help Your Newborn Sleep Better 14 Tips For Swaddling Your Baby Safely and Correctly |
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