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National Breastfeeding Month

National Breastfeeding Month

As National Breastfeeding Month commences (here in the United States), we are ‘wrapping’ up some of our highlights we participated in during the last few weeks.

We kicked off the month of August with World Breastfeeding week, while launching our new Instagram series Babes & Lattes. Who else better to co-hosted this Instagram Live and a Facebook Live, than Jessica Martin-Weber of The Leaky Boob. Her wealth of information reminded us why the month is needed and the importance of it, while touching on the often-taboo subject of postpartum depression. Babywearing has shown to be a benefit to not only infants, but is carried over in various ways, to mom! Below are some of those ways that the babywearing bond can help the dyad: 

  • Breastfeeding success rate1
  • Infant temperament2
  • Increased levels of oxytocin in mother3 

For more information on National Breastfeeding Month and to stay abreast of future breastfeeding initiatives, check out the US Breastfeeding Committee

Author – Alyson Moo Young, Certified Babywearing Educator, Certified Community Lactation Education and La Leche League Leader

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