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It Takes a Village

It Takes a Village

"It takes a village to raise a child” used to mean we relied on neighbors just outside our doors, raised our little ones in the circles and community that directly surrounded us.

Today, parents have the opportunity to connect with a much broader community of midnight feeders, daytime nap warriors, wide-eyed first time baby swaddlers – a world of neighbors who are experiencing the same highs, lows, struggles, and firsts. The village has gone global, and we’re better for it. We have more ability to support and encourage each other than ever before.

That’s why Baby K’tan is thrilled to introduce Convos and Cuddles with K’tan, a Facebook community designed to give parents and babywearers a space to connect, ask questions, encourage each other, and be together on the journey we call parenthood.

We’ll be sharing babywearing tips, parenting advice, new releases, and even the occasional game or giveaway, and we hope you’ll join us. You can find us on Facebook at  Convos and Cuddles with K'tan

We’re all in this together, swapping stories and lifting each other up, because parenting is hard work that is so much easier when you don’t have to do it alone.

It takes a village. 

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