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Black Breastfeeding Week with Brand Riley of Mama Knows It All

Why do we need Black Breastfeeding Week

From the Black Breastfeeding Week  website

"Black Breastfeeding Week was created because for over 40 years there has been a gaping racial disparity in breastfeeding rates. The most recent CDC data show that 75% of white women have ever breastfed versus 58.9% of black women. The fact that racial disparity in initiation and even bigger one for duration has lingered for so long is reason enough to take 7 days to focus on the issue."

They offer up five additional reasons for providing breastfeeding support and focusing attention on this issue throughout the week to include:

1. The high black infant mortality rate.

2. High rates of diet-related disease in African American children and how breast milk can potentially reduce the incidence of these diseases.

3. Lack of diversity in the lactation field.

4. Unique cultural barriers among black women. 

5. First-food deserts in black communities.

Read the BBW blog post on these five reasons for further information. 

We had the pleasure here at Baby K'tan of working with Brandi Riley, a mother of two lovely children. She is a breastfeeding, babywearing and cloth diapering black mother who is a big advocate of doing what works for you and your family. She encourages breastfeeding, but she also wants you to know that 'fed is best'. We had her take over our Instagram to share her breastfeeding and babywearing story and we loved what she had to share and offer up as words of wisdom in the journey. 

And, oh. my. goodness, the cuteness that is her little Ayva and Jamie. Check out each of her posts on Instagram:

Post 1Post 2Post 3Post 4Post 5

And then head to read her  Black Breastfeeding Week blog post.

Thank you to Brandi and her family for opening up their lives to share with our community and to generate awareness around Black Breastfeeding this week. Make sure to follow her on social -  FacebookInstagram and read her blog Mama Knows It All

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