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5 Alternate Uses for the Baby K'tan Baby Carrier

The Baby K'tan Baby Carrier is a sanity saver for many parents when they are going about their day-to-day routines. It encourages bonding and soothes fussy babies. But, babywearing isn't the only thing our Baby K'tan Baby Carrier has been used for over the years! Below are 5 Alternate Uses for the Baby K'tan Baby Carrier that you may not have thought of just yet. 

1. Breastfeeding cover

Can you breastfeed in the Baby K'tan Baby Carrier? Yes, you can! And, what's great about the carrier is you can do it discreetly because the loops spread out to make a natural cover. Check out BK Ambassador Lisa's post on the topic

If you don't want to tuck baby into your carrier for breastfeeding, you can still use your carrier as a cover while they breastfeed. 

(Image courtesy Lisa BoettcherTalia Laird Photoraphy)

2. Children can wear their 'baby' 

Our children love to emulate what we do as parents and babywearing is no different. We've had so many parents share their child wearing 'baby' in a their own BK Carrier made out of the Baby K'tan Sash. We love it. 

(Photos courtesy - L to R: @littlsbitsofsparkle@hanpina@thelittlebeehouse@mardee811@babyktan_ru)

3. Scarf

The Baby K'tan Baby Carrier goes on like an infinity scarf, so why not wear it as your scarf in between your babywearing time? 

Instagrammer, @almondjoiijoi says, "Mom Life is wearing your @babyktan as a scarf #momminainteasy

We love it!

4. Carry your small pet

Our staff and their family love to carry their pets in a Baby K'tan Baby Carrier. 

We also get submissions from BK fans who also love to implement this dual use for the carrier.

"I have been using this Baby K'tan for 4 years now. I carry my 9 year old dog in it when she gets tired or when I travel. The Sudbury Star in Sudbury Ontario Canada, saw me walking and took a picture of us... My dog is diabetic therefore she gets tired easily during our long walks."  ~Joanne Dennie

5. Use the sash for a belly band

When you deliver your little one, a belly band can be a such a helpful tool for recovery. The Baby K'tan sash is a great way to bind up your tummy post c-section to alleviate discomfort. 

What clever ways do you use your Baby K'tan Baby Carrier outside of wearing your baby? Tag us on social and share! 

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